Thursday, March 5, 2020

Spanish in Spain vs. Mexico Whats the Difference

Spanish in Spain vs. Mexico Whats the Difference Sign up successful 3. Vosotros/Ustedes In Spanish, there are two forms of the second-person singular â€" formal and informal. The formal second-person singular uses exactly the same conjugations as the third-person singular. In Spain, there are also two forms for the second-person plural: vosotros for informal and ustedes for formal; however, in Mexico, there is no second-person informal â€" you always use ustedes. Kids learn vosotros in school but never use it for more than understanding things like movies and literature from Spain. This is good news if you are learning Mexican Spanish, as you will have little need for vosotros. However, if you want to speak with people in Spain, you should learn the additional Spanish conjugations. 4. Past Tenses One last difference between Mexican Spanish and Spain Spanish is the use of the past tenses. Mexicans use the past and present perfect tenses much the same as you use them in English. However, the Spanish favor the present perfect and use it for all recently completed actions. Heres a handy cheat sheet for some common differences in Spanish vocabulary: Of course, the best way to avoid confusion when it comes to the difference between Mexican Spanish and Spain Spanish is to learn with a private tutor. A qualified teacher can guide you along the way and provide study plans  that can clear up any any doubts you may have. Good luck! Interested in Private Lessons? Search thousands of teachers for local and live, online lessons. Sign up for convenient, affordable private lessons today! Search for Your Teacher

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